Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Goodwins Theory applied to 'Monster' by The Automatic

Goodwin's theory contained a list of things that a music video should have. I've applied the list to the song 'Monster' by The Automatic; a revival-punk band that re-invented their own sound applied to punk culture to create a rebellious sound and look, but included childish wants and needs as they progressed. With this Prezi I have shown skill that I now know how to analyse a music video and I can continue to this until the creation of my music video. When it comes to my music video; it'll be easier to find extras to incorporate into my final product.

1 comment:

  1. Jack, it would have been really helpful to have had the video embedded within the Prezi. Your analysis, as it stands, does not relate to anything and cannot be judged to be accurate or not.

    Also, conclusion, where is that?
