Friday, 23 October 2015

Initial idea's

The task at hand in our teams; was to create and discuss three initial ideas that we would take forward  to use for our narrative within our music video. Within my team; Rosie worked on one idea and I worked on another, then together on my Prezi we came together to create a third and final idea. With these we worked out with our teachers which was the best to do that would be both enjoyable to film and create, but also which would seem better to do as a link up with the music. Moving forward, this should help my team stay on track with the vague outline of the narrative, as it can become easy to forget the emotion, characters and storyline of our narrative. From this task, I learned to dissect an idea into classified groups, as well as improve my decisions making skills within group. There are only two of us in my group; but it helped us both learn to agree and disagree with each other strategically enough to come-out with three ideas and nail it down to one.

1 comment:

  1. Your prezi's are fine in terms of detail. However your explanation of the task is more than a little brief and does not give us any other insight to your process. Always address these questions: What was the task? What did you do? What did you learn? How will this help you moving forward?

    Your answers to those questions should be detailed (not an essay) and should be able to explain the task and success of it without necessarily having to look through all your presentations.
